Tomorrow is 31st New year celebration day in Ahmedabad. But now on this year Ahmedabad police make some strict rules on 31st night. Which is you are not allow to go on S.G. Highway Ahmedabad after 9:00 PM to 1:00 AM. And also on C.G. road you are not allow to go with vehicle after 9:00 PM to 1: PM C.G. road was blocked last 5 year. But this is first time that C.G. Road is blocked. In this new year celebration this rule create so many issues for celebrator because All farm house and hotels are on C.G. road. All ahmedabad peoples are going for celebration each year on these hotels. But still this something impossible for ahmedabad that going on C.G. road with walking rather then they two wheelers or car. Because car and bikes are restricted on C.G. Road and S.G. highway on 31st nigh Ahmedabad.