Gujarat Vidyapith was founded by Mahatma Gandhi on 18th October, 1920. Gujarat Vidyapith is a deemed university since 1963. Gujarat Vidyapith is funded by the U. G. C. (University Grants Commission) for higher education programs. It was started as Rashtriya Vidyapith (National Institute of University Education) and was the wake of the Non-cooperative Movement. Mahatma Gandhi remained its life-long Kulpati (Chancellor). The Institute imparts higher education with an integrated system of education teaching from the Nursery to the Doctorate level
There was some opening for job vacancies in ahmedabad
Last Date: 15 January 2011
Applications are invited for the following Posts of Krishi Vigyan Kendra Dethali (Ta. Matar, Dist. Kheda) and Krishi Vigyan Kendra Randheja (Ta and Dist. Gandhinagar) run by Gujarat Vidyapeeth (Deemed University).
For Krishi Vigyan Kendra Dethali (Ta. Matar, Dist. Kheda)
Subject-Matter-Specialist (SMS) T-6 – Three
Pay: Rs.8000-13500
Qualification: Good academic record with Master degree in Soil Science/Horticulture/Agronomy subject.
Experience: Two years work experience in KVK is desirable.
Age: Not above 35 years as on last date of receipt of application
Application form to reach by R.P.A.D. on or before 15/01/11. Registrar, Gujarat Vidyapeeth, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad- 380 014. Prescribed application form (only in Gujarati Language) are available at Central Office, Gujarat Vidyapeeth, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad on payment of Rs.200/- in cash or Demand draft in favor of Registrar, Gujarat Vidyapeeth, Ahmedabad, payable at Ahmedabad along with self addressed envelope (32″ x 10″) of postage stamped fixed worth Rs.5/-. Application forms and other details are available in our website www.gujaratvidyapith.org; www.gujaratvidyapith.ac.in. Application form can also be downloading from the website, same form along with Demand draft. of Rs. 200/- will also be accepted.
Please visit for more details