Friday, June 22, 2012

Gujarat University to have Google application for students, MoU on cards

AHMEDABAD: Students of the Gujarat University will be able to get educational content right on their laptops and mobile phones soon at no cost. The university officials met with a delegation from Google Inc at the vice-chancellor's bungalow on Friday to talk about the collaboration. The university syndicate will meet on Saturday to discuss the proposal.
Parimal Trivedi, Gujarat University vice-chancellor, told TOI that six to seven Indian universities have got their applications on Google at the moment. "Gujarat University will be the first in the state to have the application. It will be a downloadable application for computers and mobile phones where the students can browse through recorded lectures, course content put online and presentations made by faculty members. It will not only enhance our reach but will also provide students with an interactive platform," he said.
He added that the template will be provided by the search engine giant whereas the content will be generated by the university in collaboration with organizations such as Educational Multimedia Research Center ( EMRC). "We are hopeful of creating and launching the application by beginning of the next academic year," said Trivedi.