Daksha who nabs the chain chor at naroda was felicitated by the Ahmedabad police commissioner amitabh pathak. Amitabh pathak sir specially come at daksha j. sagar's home and give best congrats to her and her family. Amitabh pathak gave her 5000/- RS cash and certificate for her bravery work. He asked that," If each and every women give bravery like daksha as daksha is in critical situation and she need to care her health but without any think she nabs the chain snatcher and give him to naroda police". He also said that,"Each and every small places police never come for this part of a second time common man want to give they bravery". If every women think like daksha and give they best efforts then we will 100% catch the criminals. And if you said for help then you 100% got and if you don't then nothing happen.
Daksha family Mr. Jagdish Sagar very glad thanks to Amitabh pathak for give they quality time and for everything.